Teenagers, Andrea and Paola, created Geeh The Band after being called out by their parents for singing inappropriate lyrics to popular songs when Young.
A few years later, they began producing real pop and upbeat music with value driven lyrics that appealed to a growing audience of children and their conscientious parents.
The songs have included lyrics concerning friendship, taking care of the world,self love and the pursuit of goals among other positive topics, in hope of fulfilling their misión statement of motivating others to make a genuine impact in their community and the world.

Geeh The Band is a young band consisting of Up, Cue, Mid, Groove, Loop, Melody, and Tune. They come from a world far away called Premmuy and live in Garlywood. Geeh are about to make their mark on Earth. Go to Geeh The Band’s website to be a part of the band and make your own Avatar. Watch our videos on YouTube and follow us on Twitter. You can also download the app to stay in touch with the band!

Geeh the Band is the world's first animated musical band. They perform original children's songs that are family-friendly. The band has released two full-length albums. Their library of songs is available for download at www.geehtheband.com.
Geeh (pronounced "G") is a young band consisting of Up, Cue, Mid, Groove, Loop, Melody, and Tune. They come from a world far away called Premmuy and live in Garlywood. Geeh is about to make its mark on Earth. Go to Geeh’s website to be part of the band. Watch our videos on Youtube and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or Pinterest. You can also download the Geeh app to stay in touch with the band!

CUE (Drums) : m Cue, everyone calls me ¨the boss man¨. As the band manager, I am responsible for booking our gigs, keeping the band organized, and on time. I even play the drums for the band. Likes: New Apps for my smart phone, Sci-Fi movies, and checking out new locations for us to play. Dislikes: Sports, being disorganized, and dropping my drum sticks when I throw them up in the air.

GROOVE (Percussion) I'm Groove and I love the 70's. I think the music and vibe was super chill. It's cool when our band plays old tunes and I get to play the bongos because it makes me feel everyone's old soul.Likes: Tie-dye t-shirts, volunteering at the animal shelter, and playing old vinyl records. Dislikes: Fighting, too much technology, and when the band can't practice.

LOOP (Keyboardist) : Sup' I'm Loop. I am the keyboard player, and I'm glad my mom made me take piano lessons so I can play in the band. I'm the master mind behind the world's best pranks, and nobody has ever been able to prank the prankster. Likes: Designing my own sneakers, playing basketball with Up, spaghetti with meatballs, and playing pranks on my friends. Dislikes: Wearing a tie, detention, and bed time.

MELODY (Lead Vocalist) :Hi I'm Melody!I love to write lyrics to new songs, and dancing around in my cowgirl boots. They make me feel confident when I perform, and that's why I rarely take them off. My dream is to travel the world and learn about the different cultures while eating delicious food. Likes: I love the color pink, baking pastries, slumber parties with my best friend Tune, watching makeup tutorials on YouTube, and going to the beach. Dislikes: Math homework, being superstitious, raspberries, and big scary dogs.

MID (Bass Player) : I'm Mid. I can be a little shy, but that changes once I get on stage and play the bass. Likes: My bow tie collection, mystery books, golf, and I have a secret crush on Tune... shhh don't tell! Dislikes: Camping, team sports, and spicy foods because my face gets really red and it is embarrassing.

TUNE (Back Up Vocals) : I'm Tune,I am not your average cheerleading team captain and I think that is awesome because being unique and original is what makes people stand out. Even though we are very different, Melody is my best friend. We enjoy going shopping together, but she doesn't like it very much when I take too long shopping for vintage sunglasses... Oops! Likes: Art museums, thrift stores, and sketching pictures to decorate my bedroom walls. Dislikes: Mean boys, gossiping, and my nut allergy.

UP (Lead Guitar) : Hey, I'm Up!
I am the front man of the group. Someday, I want to be in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, or win a Superbowl. Dislikes: Science class, vegetables, and cleaning my room. Likes: Selfies, football, and my #1 girl Melody.

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